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Record 327/911

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Photographs of Malcolm Clark and family at his home at 120 Boston Post Rd. The car may be an 1930 Essex (see Object ID 9999.1.76). According to Mr. Ernie Barrett on May 21, 2009: The number plate on the car, and yes I think it is an Essex as he sold them, is a Dealer Plate Number 139 The A stands for the first plate issued to the dealer and each consecutive plate would go up 1 letter in the alpha i.e. B 139 ect.. The year is 1934 Ernie Barrett worked for Malcolm Clark from 1950 to 1965 when he purchased his garage. He sold out in 1985. Clark-24.jpg - "Joan-1935" is written on the bottom. Clark-25.jpg - Mr. Ernie Barrett identified this as Malcolm, his wife Pauline and their daughter Joan. Clark-23.jpg - You can see the license plate says "NH-'34". Is the woman Fannie?
Malcolm Clark -Historical Society of Amherst's Digital Image Collection
Malcolm Clark's Car

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Last modified on: January 06, 2011