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These images are attributed to Harry Heath who was the telegrapher, station agent and postmaster at the old Ponemah Railroad Station. They have been digitally scanned by Bob Hart from glass slides after he rescued them from the Heath House at 108 Ponemah Road. Analysis of photos by Bob Hart: #1, 3 & 4 - Two interior views of a schoolroom decorated for an end of school year program (#4 is a closeup of the blackboard). In the view toward the front of the room you can make out a program on the blackboard. The program reads: Songs, Rec. Elgin Bartlett Rec. Eddie Van Sickle " Fred A. Barker A Plea for Sparrows Robin & Robert Rec. Lester Bartlett Song- Pussy Willows " Ralph Nelson Rec. Francis Cave Why Robin Didn't Sing " Grace Bartlett The Song Sparrow Rec. Alfred Bartlett Rec. James Barker " Doris Nelson Dialogue Song- Vacation Except for Francis Cave all these kids lived in Ponemah based on US Census records for 1910. Cave was in Hollis. I can't figure out who Robin and Robert were. The youngest kid I think was Lester Bartlett who was born in 1899. I have identified the picture on the wall at the right rear to be President William Mc Kinley. The flags have 45 stars. This would put the time as right around 1900 but I think the President's picture didn't get changed right away so maybe the time is more like 1905 to 1910. Also take notice the position of the doorway at the left front of the room. #2 - A group of 10 students seated in a classroom with their teacher standing in the rear center. I am quite sure that this is the same classroom that is shown in the others except that the wallpaper is different. Same picture of Washington on the left and I think we still have Mc Kinley on the right. No way to tell which picture is the earliest? #5 & 6 - Two pictures of ten students and their teacher. In #5 the girl seated on far right may be Grace Bartlett (b. 1897), with one of her brothers to her left and another brother to the left of the teacher. In #6 Grace is standing in the first row far right. #7 - Same students and teacher as in #2 but now standing on the school steps.
Ponemah Schoolhouse #5 -Historical Society of Amherst's Digital Image Collection
Schoolroom view toward front
004\HART 10-SF.JPG

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Last modified on: January 06, 2011