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Record 407/911

Image 1 of 4

These images are attributed to Harry Heath who was the telegrapher, station agent and postmaster at the old Ponemah Railroad Station. They have been digitally scanned by Bob Hart from glass slides after he rescued them from the Heath House at 108 Ponemah Road. Miscellaneous images that may not be of Amherst. #1 - J. D. Dunbar Wood and Coal - This may have been in Wilton. #2 - Hayfield workers (may or may not be Amherst) #3 - Woodward Family (may have lived in Milford). #4 - This house does not look to be in Amherst.
Miscellaneous -Historical Society of Amherst's Digital Image Collection
J.D. Dunbar Wood & Coal
004\HART 39-SF.JPG

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Last modified on: January 06, 2011