Class picture. 1st/2nd/3rd grades. Brick School - 1913.

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Record 577/911
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Object ID 9999.2.10
Description Class picture. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grades. Brick School. 1913. Miss Ruth Hathaway, teacher.

Back row from left to right: Oscar Pherson, Harry Monson, Claud Hammond, Elaman Hardy, Rosella Moulton, Edith Davis, Henry Davis, Miss Ruth Hathaway, Charles Hardy.

2nd row from back: Alfretta Hammond, Margaret Murry, Pearl Mason, Helma Monson, Marjorie Bills.

3rd row from back: Esther Monson, Barbara Olmstead, Greg Peterson, Ruth Palmer, Gladys Hammond.

Front row: Eastman Hardy, Nelson Smith, Donald Caldwell, Harold McGlinny, George Main Hartshorn, Archie Davis, Roy Parker.
Date of photo 1913-1913
Source Joyce Hartshorn Beairsto
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Last modified on: January 06, 2011