Middle Street and Church Street

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Record 840/911
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Object ID 9999.7.6
Description Postcard of Middle Street and Church Street looking south. Middle Street/Church Street, Amherst, NH.

Black & white, partial border, standard size, divided back. Published by: A. L. Martin. Printed by: Fraink W. Swallow Post Card Co. Postmarked: September 4, 1909.

Front caption: "Published by A. L. Martin. The Square. Amherst, N.H."

Writing on front: "Emma. ____ 146 Amherst." Writing on back: (Writing in foreign language.)

Addressed to: Miss Latten Larson, Avon, Conn.
Date of photo 1907-1909
Source Robert Rowe
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Last modified on: January 06, 2011